options-trading-strategy              options-trading-strategy    
Honorable Mention
Options Trading System


Options Trading Statements

In January of 2009, I opened a real thinkorswim account to demonstrate trading one unit of the options trading strategy. This was not a paper trading account. It was a real account, trading real money. I traded this extra account for one year.

The demo account was setup to demonstrate trading ONLY ONE UNIT of the strategy with the indicated set aside in each trading month. The $30k balance is simply the balance of the idle account that was transferred to thinkorswim to setup the demo account. There was no intention to trade the full account balance in the demo account. We could have traded multiple units in this account and maintained the same return percentages.

Trading Account Screen Shots

January 2009: 4.34%

$217.00 on $5,000 set aside
Original Strategy

Image of Trading Account - Options Trading Strategy

February 2009: 5.32%

$266.00 on $5,000 set aside
Original Strategy

Image of Trading Account - Options Trading Strategy

March 2009: 5.22%

$260.83 on $5,000 set aside
Original Strategy

Image of Trading Account - Options Trading Strategy

April 2009: 4.40%

$263.84 on $6,000 set aside
Original Strategy

Image of Trading Account - Options Trading Strategy

May 2009: 4.12%

$246.96 on $6,000 set aside
Original Strategy

Image of Trading Account - Options Trading Strategy

June 2009: 6.00%

$360.00 on $6,000 set aside
Original Strategy

NOTE: For the June 2009 trade, I was on vacation out of the country and did not trade the demo account. The results for this month were derived from the median fill prices that a number of students provided.

July 2009: 0.77%

$46.40 on $6,000 set aside
Original Strategy

Image of Trading Account - Options Trading Strategy

August 2009: 5.60%

$224.01 on $4,000 set aside
Original Strategy

Image of Trading Account - Options Trading Strategy

September 2009

NOTE: For the September 2009 trade, I was on vacation out of the country and did not trade the demo account.

October 2009: 4.40%

$175.84 on $4,000 set aside
Aggressive Strategy

Image of Trading Account - Options Trading Strategy

November 2009: 6.30%

$251.86 on $4,000 set aside
Aggressive Strategy

Image of Trading Account - Options Trading Strategy

December 2009: 6.25%

$249.84 on $4,000 set aside
Aggressive Strategy

Image of Trading Account - Options Trading Strategy

Act Now

If you are interested in becoming one of an elite group of traders who actually make money in the market on a CONSISTENT basis using a unique options trading strategy, click the Buy Now button below to get started right away.

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Disclaimer: No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.